JFS presents Dina Nayeri, author of the Ungrateful Refugee (today, Sept. 17)

Welcoming Week is when cities, towns and organizations across the nation bring together immigrants, refugees, and long-time residents to build strong connections that make their communities a more welcoming place for all.

Jewish Family Services of Washtenaw County (JFS) is offering a week free virtual offerings including Cultural Humility training, Creating Welcoming Communities learnings and information, Mentorship and its Impact learnings and information, and Virtual Author/Book Event:

Meet Dina Nayeri, the Author of the Ungrateful Refugee, from 11 a.m. to noon on Thursday, Sept. 17. She will read an excerpt of her book and take audience questions. Books will be available to purchase online!

For all the information, click HERE

Urgent Need for Food Pantry Volunteers!
The need for JFS Specialty Food pantry services (including groceries and meals) is as high as ever, but many volunteers are needing to switch their focus to preparing and guiding children through what is sure to be an unusual start to the school year.

JFS is seeking volunteers to assist with contactless operations at the pantry by delivering food to people in the community, using your own vehicle. Volunteers should be able to lift up to 25 pounds. Volunteers may bring their children—ages 14 and older—to assist, if desired.

Register HERE