What’s Happening: Upcoming events at the Ann Arbor Senior Center

Ann Arbor Senior Center Status Update

Under the current pandemic, the Ann Arbor Senior City is offering limited programming. Staff are exploring other ways to bring programs to members of the senior center. Staff will continue to evaluate reopening the senior center as social distancing guidelines and CDC recommendations are updated. For more information regarding the senior center, please contact Brittany Patton at bpatton@a2gov.org​​.
​The Ann Arbor Senior Center is your center for community programs and public or private events; offering a range of programs, services, and social activities to empower and engage older adults in healthful and meaningful ways. The Ann Arbor Senior Center provides programs and services that promote fitness and activity, reduce the risk of adverse health events, and provide recreational and cultural activities that can improve physical stamina and maintain cognitive functioning. Our goal is to make healthy activities fun while providing access to wellness information and support for older people and their families. We are proud to be a part of this community and we would be honored to have you join us. ​ Programs and services for all ages are offered at the Ann Arbor Senior Center and also in Burns Park. Please note the savings you earn if you sign up to be a member! It’s great value when you compare member and nonmember fees.

Drive-Thru Events


Back to School Drive Through

Wednesday, September 22, Noon-1 p.m.​​​

Going back to school as a kid was such an exciting time. We don’t want miss out on the fun as adults! Please join the Ann Arbor Senior Center for a drive-through event where themed goodie bags, snacks, and beverages will be given out to take home! RSVP to Brittany (bpatton@a2gov.org) to reserve your spot today! Free of charge.​

Mind Matters


Every Wednesday starting September 1, 10-11 a.m.

Join us for fun brain exercises that are designed to keep your brain young, strong, agile, and adaptable. No experience necessary – just bring a pen, paper, and an open mind!

Join Zoom Meeting URL: 

a2gov.zoom.us/j/94726331603?pwd=REJ3blE0VTk2ZGpuemFyKzU2TUJydz09. ​

Meeting ID: 947 2633 1603. Passcode: 739714.

For more information email bpatton@a2gov.org. Free of charge.

Live Trivia

Wednesdays, Sept 1 and 15, 1-2 p.m.

We are back with live trivia via Zoom! Join us on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. Each game will have questions based on weekly themes. Invite your friends, grandchildren, and neighbors to login and play with you, or be placed on a team with others. We will keep a tally of winners and at the end, will have prizes that you can pick up.

Join Zoom Meeting URL: a2gov.zoom.us/j/97912399740?pwd=W​HdncWdkMkxQQWxHcWhIbEt0UXJuQT09

Zoom Meeting ID: 979 1239 9740. Passcode: 194912.

For more information email bpatton@a2gov.org. Free of charge.​​​

Senior Art in the Park


Every Monday in September , Noon – 1 p.m.

Join one of our staffers for a themed art project outside of the Ann Arbor Senior Center. Each class we will provide each artist their own personal supplies, you just need to bring your own creativity! If the weather is uncooperative, we will meet socially distanced in-doors. Face masks and social distancing required both inside and outside. Preregistration required, spaces limited. For more information or to register contact bpatton@a2gov.org or call​​ 734.794.6250. Cost is $5 per class.

Sept 13: Create Your Own Succulent Terrarium ​

Sept 20:​

Sept 27:

Blue Grass Jam

Second and fourth Tuesdays, 7-9 p.m., drop-in fee: $5.​​​​

bluegrassflyer2017.jpgThe A2 Blue Grass participants, from expert to novice, come from all over southeast Michigan to have fun withbluegrass jamming and singing. We draw a wide variety of musical Instruments including banjos, fiddles, standup and electronic bass, percussion, washboard, dobro, mandolin and the occasional harmonica. All ages are welcome. Visit the Bluegrass website for more information.

Bridge Games & Instruction
Card symbol grouping_4_pips.jpg

Bridge Defense   Part III: Mondays, June 28 – August 30,  10:00-​​​​11:30 a.m.; fee: $110 member; $132 nonmember

This class is designed for beginners and low intermediate players who wish to improve their defensive play. We will study chapters 7-9 in the text which may be purchased online or ordered from your local bookstore if you didn’t take Part I or II. Students may register in advance and pre-pay for all 10 weeks or pay on opening day. If you want to do drop-in, please call the Senior Center office at 794-6250 after 9AM on the day of the class to reserve a spot. It is highly recommended that students have some type of previous bidding class or experience. For more details, contact the instructor at ray62856@gmail.com or call the Senior Center office.

Prerequisites: Bridge I or equivalent or prior experience​

Bridge II Play of the Hand    Part II: Tuesdays,  June 22  – August 31 , noon – 1:30 p.m.; fee:  $110 member; $132 nonmember​

This class is designed for advanced beginner and low intermediate players who wish to improve declarer skills and will cover chapters 7-9 of the text. The main part of the course deals with play of the hand as declarer. Other parts include bidding reviews, defense, and more. The text may be purchased online or ordered from your local bookstore. Students may register in advance and pre-pay for all 11 weeks or may reserve a spot if doing drop-in. To reserve a spot, call the office at the number given below after 9AM the day of the class. For more details, contact the instructor at ray62856@gmail.com or the Senior Center office at 794-6250.

Pre-requisites: Bridge I or instructor permission

Bridge for Beginners     Part III: Tuesdays, June 22 – August 31, 2 – 3:30 p.m.; fee: $110 member; $132 ​nonmember.​

This class will cover chapters 6-9 of the text “Bidding in the 21st Century” by Audrey Grant. The class is mainly for anyone who has taken Bridge I through Ann Arbor Community Rec + Ed or Bridge For Beginners at Burns Park. This is a great review class for others who may want a good review of overcalls, takeout doubles and Stay man. Make sure to have the text before June 22nd. Students may pay before class or on the first day or if you wish to do drop-in, please call the Senior Center to reserve a spot after 9AM on the day of the class at 794-6250. If you have questions, call the Center or email the
instructor at ray62856@gmail.com.

Prerequisite: Bridge For Beginners Part I or instructor permission​

Wellness and Enrichment

Life Line Screenings

​Future date to be announced soon.

Life Line Screening​Life Line Screening will again host health screenings at the Ann Arbor Senior Center. For more information or to register, visit http://www.lifelinescreening.com/communitycircle.​