What’s Happening: Latest news from the Ann Arbor Senior Center

Ann Arbor Senior Center Mind Matters
Every Wednesday, 10-11 a.m. Join us for fun brain exercises that are designed to keep your brain young, strong, agile and adaptable. No experience necessary – just bring a pen, paper and an open mind. Click the link below to participate. Free of charge.

* Join the Zoom meeting https://a2gov.zoom.us/j/94726331603?pwd=REJ3blE0VTk2ZGpuemFyKzU2TUJydz09 . Meeting ID: 947 2633 1603. Passcode: 739714. For more information call, 734.794.6250.

Lunch Break Club
Join us on Thursdays each week, noon-1 p.m., to take a break, talk about a weekly topic and feast over our own homemade lunch plates via Zoom. Guests are invited to share their own stories, ask questions or simply just sit back and listen. Visit the Ann Arbor Senior Center Facebook page for updates and future weekly themes. For more information contact bpatton@a2gov.org.

* Join the Zoom meeting a2gov.zoom.us/j/91519648869?pwd=clNTYkgyK1JwN1BNUHYxMHNrVStjUT09. Meeting ID: 91519648869. Passcode: 463533. Free or charge.

Live trivia
Wednesday, May 5 and 19, 1-2 p.m. Join us on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month for live trivia via Zoom! Invite your friends, grandchildren and neighbors to login and play with you, or be placed on a team with others. We will keep a tally of winners and at the end, staff will have prizes that you can pick up curbside from the senior center.

* Join the Zoom meeting HERE. Zoom Meeting ID: 979 1239 9740. Passcode: 194912. Free of charge.