WCC President Bellanca: Thank you, Washtenaw County voters

Note: On Tuesday, March 10, Washtenaw County voters overwhelmingly supported a ballot proposal to renew and restore a 1.00 WCC operating millage by a 77.5%-to-22.5% margin.

I’d like to thank the Washtenaw County taxpayers for their support of our millage renewal.

This approval reinforces the high regard the taxpayers in Washtenaw County place in our college and will assure we have the operating dollars to sustain the extraordinary quality of programs and services we currently offer – and to keep them affordable.

The dollars provided are crucial for WCC to continue its mission of making a difference in the lives of our students, giving them the resources and opportunities to realize their educational goals and dreams.

For several years now, we have embraced a theme called “Keep Up The Good Work.” Approval of this millage will allow us to do just that:

  • Provide our students with an affordable option for completing their first two years of college before transferring to a four-year collage to complete a bachelor’s degree.
  • Preparing Washtenaw County’s workforce for existing and emerging careers in healthcare, cybersecurity, connected and autonomous mobility and the convergence of IT and business.
  • Offering free classes to senior citizens through our Emeritus Scholars program.
  • Providing everyone the opportunity to earn a certificate, degree or new skill to start, advance or change their career.

Studies show that up to 80% of students who attend community college stay in the county where they attended college. Because of Washtenaw County voters’ support, you will continue to encounter healthcare workers, police officers, childcare workers, automotive technicians, teachers and many more professionals who attended WCC.

They are your neighbors and friends. They and you help make the community we live in such a special place.

Thank you, Washtenaw County, for helping us “Keep Up The Good Work.”
