Water Polo: Skyline finishes eighth in the state, falling to eventual state champ Hudsonville

The Skyline Men’s Water Polo team traveled to East Lansing this past weekend and were honored to participate in the State Tournament.

Seeded 8th, they played number one Hudsonville on Friday night. The Eagles came out strong and held their opponent to only a 2-1 lead after the first quarter. Senior Captain Nicky Boucher impressed with 16 saves, but as the night progressed, Hudsonville had a very strong first string as well as bench. Skyline just could not match them, leading to a 16-1 loss.

Saturday the men played both Zeeland and Grand Haven. At the Zeeland game, the Eagle men looked strong with Senior Captain Atticus Dewey punching in a goal and an assist. Senior Captain Noah Boucher had 2 goals and Junior John Evangelista had one goal. Junior Daniel Koeselka impressed with 3 steals and Sophomore Evan McKelvey had 2 steals and 2 assists. In the end, Zeeland snatched the win 11-5.
For the second game of the day, the Eagles again took a loss (11-6), but were just happy to be a part of the tournament. Senior Captain Atticus Dewey had 1 goal. Sophomore Ben Deininger had an amazing 5 steals, 1 assist and 1 goal. Sophomore Even McKelvey had 1 goal, 1 assist and 1 steal. Senior Max Berry had 1 goal and Senior Captain Noah Boucher had 3 goals and 1 steal. Junior John Evangelista had 2 steals and Senior Jack Theiss had 1 assist.