Water Polo: Eagles have busy week with top competition

The Skyline boys’ water polo team had a busy week, playing 5th ranked Huron three times, second-ranked Dexter and seventh-ranked West Ottawa one time each. Although they played hard, they came away with one win, one tie and four losses. 

There were some highlights of note for the Eagles. On Wednesday against the River Rats, Sophomore Evan McKelvey had 3 assists while Captain Noah Boucher and Sophomore Ben Deininger continued with great defense, with 1 steal each.

Friday night saw the Eagles travel to Huron for a weekend tournament. The Varsity Men tied their first game 5-5 and the fans got to see some real excitement when Senior Captain Nicky Boucher came out from the goal and played in the field for the game! Freshman Ian Root covered the goal and had an impressive 10 saves.

In the second game Friday night, the men again played Huron and suffered a 3-10 loss. The Eagles struggled with their offense and were unable to capitalize on steals from Junior Evangelista (3), Sophomore Evan McKelvey (2), Sophomore Ben Deininger (2) and Senior Captain Senior Atticus Dewey (1).  

Saturday started the day early and the fans were finally rewarded with a commanding 10-2 win over West Ottawa. Senior Noah Boucher and Sophomore Ben Deininger led the charge with 5 and 4 goals respectively. 

Senior Captain Atticus Dewey capped off the morning with one goal. Junior John Evangelista continues to impress on defense with 3 steals and 2 assists, while Sophomore Evan McKelvey had 2 steals and 1 assist.

For the second game Saturday, the Eagles faced off against the highly ranked Dexter and lost in a hard fought game 10-4. Dewey attempted to get the team going with 2 goals and 1 assist as did Sophomore Ben Deininger with one goal, 2 assists and 2 steals.

The Eagles will travel to Pioneer on Friday. Game time is 7 p.m.