Swimming: Skyline has a pool full of talent and some high expectations for 2020

Maureen Murrett is an outstanding coach who knows how to get the most of the talent in the pool – check out the banners on the wall for proof. And Murrett likes the talent she sees splashing around in the pool heading into 2020.

“We have a young, enthusiastic group with a huge opportunity ahead of us,” says Murrett. “We choose every day to turn these lemons into lemonade.”

There are a lot of things to like from this group of young and talented Eagles.

“We have a strong team culture and work ethic,” says Murrett, now in her 13th season coaching the Eagles. “We have an opportunity for many state qualifiers since we are D-2 this year.”

There is plenty of work to do and that’s a point Murrett hammers home on a daily basis.

“I’ll let you know when we get in the pool,” Murrett said when asked about transitioning back indoors to the Skyline pool. “I imagine walls since there aren’t a lot of those in the lake. I really need to see them in a pool to get a better handle on strengths and weaknesses.”

Skyline went 8-4 last year and took third at SEC Championships and 11th at D-1 State Meet.

Top returning swimmers/divers include senior Aly Guevara (backstroke, freestyle), juniors Gina Sadler (freestyle) and Claire Kozma (butterfly, sprints) and sophomores Lily Cleason (backstroke, IM) and Erika Sauld (freestyle).

Top incoming swimmers/divers include freshmen Shannen Lee, Allie Deininger, Addie Kim and Johanna Horvath.

The Eagles open the season at home at 6 p.m. on Sept. 17 against Saline.