Swimming: Skyline falls to Saline, host quad-meet on Thursday

In their first meet of the new year, the Skyline boys’ swimming and diving team lost a close contest to Saline in a dual meet last week.
Skyline won the 400 Free Relay, swum by Atticus Dewey, Evan McKelvey, Ben Deininger, and Ben Kurniawan. Individual events were won by Ben Kurniawan in the 200 IM & 100 Butterfly and Ben Deininger in the 100 Backstroke.
The Eagles depth allowed them to keep the meet close with 2nd and 3rd place finishes in the 200 Medley Relay (Dewey, Conor Pyle, Matthew Lee, Deininger & Coleson Probst, Daniel Osterholzer, John Evangelista, Bassem El Tawil, respectively), 2nd place in the 200 Free Relay (Lee, Evangelista, Kurniawan, McKelvey), and 3rd place in the 400 Free Relay (Grant Gorman, Probst, Daniel Koselka, Owen Schadler).
In addition, top 3 individual performances were turned in by Dewey (50 Free-3rd, 500 Free-2nd), Koselka (200 Free-3rd), Lee (50 Free-2nd, 100 Free-2nd), McKelvey (200 Free-2nd, 100 Free-3rd), Probst (100 Back-3rd), and Osterholzer (100 Breast-2nd).
The meet followed a very good couple of weeks of workouts over the Winter Break, highlighted by the traditional New Year’s morning practice followed by the team parents donning their aprons, spatulas in hand, to flip pancakes, serve breakfast casseroles, sides, etc. for a bountiful breakfast to feed the swimmers – certainly no one left hungry!
This week the Eagles will host a quad meet with Adrian, Bedford, and Jackson at 6 p.m. on Thursday.