Swimming: Pioneer swims past Huron in SEC dual-meet

How good is the Pioneer swimming and diving team? Well, there are plenty of ways to answer that but here is a good one that starts with another question to help us get to the answer.

How good is the Huron swimming and diving team?

The River Rats are very good, with several quality state-ranked swimmers and the defending state champion diver on their roster. They will have a strong year and beat a lot of teams in dual-meets this season.

But to get back to our first question, Huron had no chance against Pioneer and lost 123-63 in an SEC dual-meet at Huron. The big blowout is no knock on the River Rats but a testament to how good the Pioneers are this year. And there isn’t a team in the state that could beat them in a dual-meet. That’s how good they are!

Pioneer opened up by going one-two in the medley relay. The team of Quoia Sam, Lily Cramer, Lindsay Orringer-Hau and Sophia Guo touched first in 1:48.87. The foursome of Vivian VanRenterghem, Yan Yee Adler, Stella Chapman and Allison Yadmark was second in 1:51.75.

The Pioneers took the top three spots in the 200 free: Edwina Jalet (1:57.46), Autumn Bullinger (1:59.97) and Amelia Weyhing (2:00.67).


They went one-two in the IM with freshman Chapman first (2:04.25) and Cramer second (2:08.37).

VanRenterghem won the 50 free in 25.03 while Guo was third in 25.25.

Pioneer’s Alexandra Mercier (238.85 points) was second in diving behind defending state-champion Annie Costello (283.80). Senior Jordan Marion was fifth (186.20).

Bullinger was third (1:03.02), Adler fourth (1:03.58) and Sam fifth (1:05.73) in the butterfly.

Chapman won her second individual race of the day when she won the 100 free in 54.23. Weyhing was second (54.71) and Orringer-Hau third (55.26).
Jalet won the 500 free in 5:223.35 followed by Jasmine Xu (5:33.38) and Eva Woods (5:43.47).

The 200 free relay team of Cramer, Bullinger, Chapman and Weyhing took first in 1:39.85. The team of Guo, Orringer-Hau, Sam and Jalet was a close second in 1:41.34.

VanRenterghem won the backstroke in 57.89. Guo was third (1:02.87) and Madeline Baybeck sixth (1:09.51).

Cramer won the breaststroke with a time of 1:05.31. Adler was third in 1:09.84.

The Pioneer team of VanRenterghem, Weyhing, Orringer-Hau and Bullinger won the 400 free relay in 3:39.89.