Sustainability news: Latest opportunities with Ann Arbor Office of Sustainability and Innovations

Solar on your home, a book club and a call to submit videos about sustainability: learn about the latest opportunities with City of Ann Arbor Office of Sustainability and Innovations (OSI).

Solar on your home — Are you interested in getting solar on your home? If yes, check out the city’s new A2Solarize program which helps reduce the upfront cost of solar by 5%–15% through a coordinated bulk purchase. You can learn more by watching the recent solarize happy hour event at, or contact Julie Roth, Solarize lead, at

Book club: Sustainability, equity and climate change — OSI is launching a sustainability, equity and climate change book club. If you’d like to participate, please register at

Videos on sustainability — OSI is collecting brief videos from around town, showing how people are taking steps to advance sustainability in their daily lives. Recording and distribute videos to share experiences to learn and grow together. To participate, please record one or more brief videos (less than 2 minutes, family friendly) sharing sustainability ideas, and upload video(s) to Possible topics include:

  • Energy efficiency in your home.
  • Gardening, composting, yard projects.
  • Renewable energy at home (rooftop or ground-mounted solar, solar water heating).
  • Green transportation (at-home bike repair, combining trips, walking to the store).
  • Food choices (garden recipes, buying local, foraging locations).
  • Reducing household waste.
  • More!