Skyline crew team hosts annual Hungry Eagle Indoor Sprints (with results, video)

The Skyline crew team hosted the annual Hungry Eagle Indoor Sprints on Saturday with Pioneer and Huron joining in with teams from all over the area. Middle and high school athletes from more than 16 schools and rowing organizations competed on indoor rowing machines for first, second and third place – and to try to beat their own personal records.

This is the eighth time, Skyline has hosted the popular event.

“It is a series of races on the “erg”, short for ergometer (aka rowing machine),” says Kit Bennett, director of rowing at Skyline HS and for the Washtenaw Rowing Center. “Categories range from Varsity and JV along with relays, para, middle school and coxswains in both genders.”

Middle schoolers and the coxswains race 500 meters, everyone else races 2000 meters (the standard testing distance in rowing).

“The 2000-meters piece is widely regarded as one of the hardest workouts you can do across any sport, due to its hybrid nature of being a sprint and endurance piece,” Bennett says. “When you go past 1500 meters, your body usually has to work past its anaerobic threshold, producing a lot lactic acid, which makes it quite uncomfortable. The 2000m testing is arguably more a mental game than a physical one.”

The athletes line up on the ergs in their various categories and these are connected via USB cable to a laptop that streams the race on a projector.

Here are some of the results

In the 2000 HS men’s varsity, Skyline’s Ethan Gibb-Randall took second place, Pioneer’s Cooper Hite was third and Skyline’s Nolan Force was fourth.

In the 2000 HS women’s varsity, Huron’s Haley Campain was second and Skyline’s Gabriella Mack was fourth.

In the Junior Varsity men’s 2000, Skyline’s Armstrong Wang was first and teammate Andres Marquez-Collins was fourth.

In the Junior Varsity women’s 2000, Skyline’s Olivia Hansen was second and Kit Bellovin third.

In the HS men’s 2000 150 or less, Skyline’s Kian Bukowski was first, Huron’s Brayden MacBride was third and Skyline’s Robert Blackburn was fourth.

In the HS women’s 2000 130 or less, Skyline’s Ellen Koselka was first and teammate Amanda Mancuso was fourth.

In the HS men’s 2000 140 or less, Skyline’s Levi Kopald was second and teammate Adam Gardner third.

In the HS women’s 2000 120 or less, Huron’s Tiffany Chen was fourth.

In the HS women’s novice, Skyline’s Gretel Ham was second and teammate Katarina Bauer was fourth.

In the HS men’s novice, Skyline’s Kaiwen Ying was second and teammate Eric Zhang fourth.

In the HS women’s novice 130 or less, Skyline took the top three spots with Olivia Kosnik, Samantha Chiang and Edan Dietz.

In the HS men’s novice 150 or less, Skyline’s Kohtaro Hayami was first and teammate Paulo Martins third.

In the HS men’s novice 140 or less, Skyline’s Patrick Hansen was first and teammate Alexander Zhang fourth.

In the HS women’s novice 120 or less, Skyline’s Caroline Theiss was first and teammate Maja Smith fourth.

In the HS women’s coxswain 115 or less, Skyline’s Julia Anna Mendoza was fourth.

In the HS men’s coxswain 125 or less, Skyline’s Eli Hendricks was third and Huron’s William Harrison fourth.

Skyline A won the HS Women’s 2000 Relay in 6:59.1. Skyline B was fourth.

Skyline A was second in the 2000 HS Men’s Relay in 6:07.8. Huron was seventh.

Washtenaw Rowing Center (WRC) was second in the middle school relay.

Skyline’s Kaitlin Barrett-Huff won the PR2 with Mason Lexcen second and Darby Lexcen third.

In the seventh-eighth grade girls 500, WRC’s Olivia Prude was second.

In the seventh-eighth grade boys 500, WRC’s Michael Gronewold was second.

In the sixth-grade boys 500, WRC’s Tanner Schultz was second.

In the sixth-grade girls 500, WRC’s Gabriella Soto-Ali was third and teammate Muna Shakour fourth.