Skyline Crew Senior Profiles: Sara Soluk

The Ann Arbor Skyline Crew Program and WeLoveAnnArbor presents a series of profiles on Skyline seniors 2020. Men’s profiles written by Jacinta De Almeida and Women’s profiles written by Kit Bennett

It has been wonderful to see Sara develop over the last four years. She is a highly competitive and hardworking young woman, who goes out of her way to self-reflect and push personal growth. One of her biggest triumphs was attacking a 2k very effectively after a hard set of attempts in previous years. Seeing that delight and excitement over the process is always great from the coaching staff perspective and Sara should be very proud of how she has carried herself on the team.

Sara is a US Scholastic National Champion, Midwest winner and Canadian Nationals medalist, being part of multiple crews that made history for the program over the last four years. Sara has been humble and quiet, but a highly effective leader on the team. She is not afraid to have high expectations of her teammates but always does so with a great deal of care and compassion, highlighted by her captaincy on the team. We are excited to see her continue her education at the University of Michigan this fall!

#hardworkcompassionlegacy #a2schools #usrowing #rowing #remo #aviron #rudern #roeien #canottaggio #annarbor #? #?‍♀️ #classof2020