Skyline Crew Senior Profiles: Kiyono Hayami

The Ann Arbor Skyline Crew Program and WeLoveAnnArbor presents a series of profiles on Skyline seniors 2020. Men’s profiles written by Jacinta De Almeida and Women’s profiles written by Kit Bennett

Kiyono has been a phenomenally dedicated athlete and coxswain of the team. Returning from her novice year where she medaled as an athlete and as coxswain at Midwests, she helped establish our new approach to coxing and has been a savvy and consistent leader since that process started. She is a ferocious competitor and was a big part of the team’s first ever gold in an eight at the Midwest Championships in 2018. That crew then moved onto US Scholastic Nationals where they took a hard fought 4th place, also our best ever placing in an eight at Nationals.

Kiyono is very intelligent and carries her crews with grace.

I have always felt comfortable with her leading the charge on the water and on land as a captain. With a great technical eye, she has the opportunity to develop further in the sport if she so chooses. We are excited to see her take on new challenges at the University of Michigan this fall! #hardworkcompassionlegacy #a2schools #usrowing #rowing #remo #aviron #rudern #roeien #canottaggio #annarbor #? #?‍♀️ #classof2020