Profile: Skyline’s Sophia Morgan kicks her game – and life – up to the next level

Sophia Morgan is kicking off the next chapter of her life at Grand Valley State University and while she’s excited to play soccer at the next level for the Lakers, she is going to miss her Skyline family, teammates and friends.

“Skyline soccer will always hold a special place in my heart,” said Morgan, who graduated in the spring. “I am so blessed for this chapter in my life. I can’t wait to see what my next chapter holds but I will never forget my time and experiences at Skyline.”

Of course, part of her Skyline family isn’t going anywhere – except down I-96 to see his daughter play. Sophia had the chance to play for one of the best high school coaches in the state, who also happens to be her father, Chris Morgan. Now, Chris will have to settle for watching her play from the stands.

“I’ve been around soccer ever since I was born,” Sophia says. “My dad has been a coach for over 30 years so when I was 3 or 4 months old my parents brought me up to my dad’s coaching job at Pioneer. I was at Pioneer until he started the men’s and women’s program at Skyline when I was 4.”

It was around that time Sophia started playing soccer and it was game on from the first kick.

“I played Rec & Ed soccer until second grade when I transitioned to club,” she said. “Growing up I participated in dance, gymnastics, diving, and tennis but realized my true passion was soccer. I knew if I wanted to be great, I needed to focus on just soccer. I have loved it ever since.”

She says playing for her dad for four seasons at Skyline was “an amazing experience.”

“He made it a rule that he wouldn’t say anything during club but in high school he was there and I loved playing for him,” she said. “The last game was bittersweet because it was my last time in a Skyline uniform but the last time I’ll hear his pre-game speech, his encouragement, and most importantly him always having my back during the games.  He’ll always be my coach but he’ll be taking on the dad role from now on.”

Morgan could often be found in the middle of the field, either at center mid or center back for the talented Eagles. Morgan was All-League, All-District and All-Region all three years on varsity – they didn’t have a season her sophomore year because of Covid. She also was All-State as a junior and senior and team MVP. She had 13 goals and 8 assists as a junior and 26 goals 18 assists as a senior.

Morgan grew up on the Skyline sidelines, attending most of the games and helping out in any way she could. She says she will never forget stepping on the field for the first time wearing that Skyline jersey.

“It was surreal. After watching from the sidelines for over 10 years I was the one on the field, making a difference,” she said. “I’m going to miss the girls, coaching staff, and my athletic trainers. They have done so much for me and have made me a better person. Skyline soccer is and will always be a second family, the connections I’ve made at Skyline over the past 4-10 years has made this overall experience so memorable.”

Sophia, 18, the daughter of Anna and Chris Morgan, graduated with a 3.92 GPA. She was a part of Student Action Senate and National Honor Society.

The next chapter looks promising – and like family.

“Many people don’t know just how special Grand Valley is,” says Morgan, who is going into nursing. “The campus and location are beautiful and I’m super excited to experience the west side of the state.

“I also love the team environment Grand Valley offers. It seems like a family just like Skyline soccer gave me. We have a new coaching staff coming in that seems great and I’m super excited to join the incoming freshman class.”