On the Agenda: City Planning Commission meeting for April 6

Meeting:  City Planning Commission (regular meeting with public hearings)

Date and Time:  Tuesday, April 6, 2021, 7:00pm.

Location:  Live broadcast (CTN Cable Channel 16, ATT Channel 99, online at a2gov.org/watchCTN)

Participating in Live Broadcast Public Hearing:  

  • Watch the meeting broadcast live on CTN Cable Channel 16, ATT Channel 99, and online at a2gov.org/watchCTN
  • To speak at public comment, call 206-337-9723 or 213-338-8477 or Toll Free 877-853-5247 or 888-788-0099
  • Meeting ID: 990 9896 8122
  • Press *9 to “raise your hand” to ask to speak at a public hearing when announced by the Planning Commissioner Chair
  • Any person may speak for 3 minutes
  • Complete information and instructions on electronic meetings are provided by the City Clerk here.

Sending Written Comments:

  • Use the City’s eComment system at http://a2gov.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx
  • Email Planning Services at planning@a2gov.org
  • Comments received by noon on the day of the meeting will be included the meeting packet. Late comments will be provided to the Planning Commission as soon as possible but may be after the meeting.

Downloading the Agenda and Packet Materials: 

  1. Click here to access the calendar page.
  2. Select “2021” and “Planning Commission, City” from the drop-down menus at the top of the page.
  3. Click on the “Search Calendar” button.
  4. The agenda and packet materials may be found by clicking the “Meeting Details” link for the meeting date.

About the Planning Commission and its Meetings:  

The City Planning Commission is a group of nine volunteers appointed by the Mayor and City Council to advise on matters relating to the development of the city, including making recommendations on rezonings and ordinance amendments, as well as making recommendations or approving development proposals depending on the type and scope of the proposal. The Planning Commission meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month to hold public hearings and carry out this work.

These meetings are typically broadcast live on Ann Arbor Community Television Network Comcast 16 / AT&T 99 and replayed the following Saturday at 8:00 PM. Recent meetings can also be streamed online from the CTN Video On Demand page of the City’s website https://a2gov.org/watchctn. The complete record of a meeting is available in video format at https://a2gov.org/watchctn, or is available for a nominal fee by contacting CTN at (734) 794-6150.

The Planning Commission also meets on the second Tuesday of each month in a working session and committees of the Planning Commission meet on the fourth Tuesday of each month as needed.

For more information about an upcoming meeting or the Planning Commission in general, please contact Planning Services at (734) 794-6265 between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm