Learn how to Make Cleaner & Greener Spaces at July 15 Ann Arbor Home Electrification Expo

The City of Ann Arbor Office of Sustainability and Innovations is partnering with the Green Home Institute and Michigan Saves to host a Home Electrification Expo Friday, July 15, 5–9 p.m. at the Ann Arbor Farmers Market, 315 Detroit St. (https://www.a2gov.org/departments/sustainability/Sustainability-Me/Families-Individuals/Pages/Home-Electrification-Expo.aspx). Attendees will learn about electrification and how they can improve their homes’ energy efficiency and health while reducing their carbon footprint. Industry experts will showcase the innovative technology behind home electrification including renter-friendly solar panels, live demonstrations of induction cooktops and heat-pumps for heating/cooling homes and water. Local food trucks and live music will also be available.

The city is hosting this event as an opportunity for residents to get involved in Ann Arbor’s A2ZERO carbon neutrality plan by implementing “Strategy 2 — Switch our Appliances and Vehicles from Gasoline, Diesel, Propane, Coal, and Natural Gas to Electric” in their everyday lives. Ann Arbor OSI notes that over 25% of the community’s greenhouse gas emissions are attributable to natural gas used for heating space and water, as well as cooking, and that burning fossil fuels to power these appliances releases pollutants both inside the home and out into the community. Electrification, OSI explains, can eliminate these emissions and preempt the harmful environmental and health effects of this pollution, adding that through electrification, homes can become an agent of true public health improvements, creating healthier communities from the inside-out.

Register to attend the event at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/home-electrification-expo-registration-324991336837. The event is free and open to the public, including homeowners, renters and building professionals. For more information on home electrification, visit https://www.a2gov.org/departments/sustainability/Sustainability-Me/Families-Individuals/Pages/Home-Electrification.aspx.