Help Celebrate Huron River Day Throughout May!

The Huron River is a major environmental asset of the Ann Arbor community and beyond. Everyone has a responsibility, individually and jointly, to actively participate in its care and protection. In the past, Huron River Day was observed as a single, day full of activities on the river. In an effort to bring to the forefront the impact the river has on our daily lives, Huron River Day 2021 will be celebrated every day in May with a photo contest, self-guided walks in parks along the river and a wide variety of in-person events planned, with COVID-19 precautions in place.

Learn about river safety, wetlands, shorelines, dams, floodplains and how we benefit from access to the river from the water we drink to the recreational activities we enjoy as a part of Huron River Day, every day! Look for 11 signs located in parks along the Huron River including Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti and the Dexter-Huron and Delhi Metroparks. Each sign will feature icons with an activity, educational prompt and an opportunity to participate in the Enviro Challenge (EC). Each EC entry involves taking a picture and tagging yourself then posting to Twitter (@a2parks) or Instagram (@annarborparks) with the hashtag #HuronRiverDay for a chance to win a prize. More than $1,000 in prizes from local businesses will be awarded the first week of June.|

Enter to win by taking a photograph, visit the HRD webpage and complete an entry form or enter by mail. Eligible entrants who do not wish to enter in person or to post social media medias, may enter by mail.  To enter by mail, an eligible entrant should complete an official entry form at:

and mail it to: Huron River Day Everyday Sweepstakes, c/o Ann Arbor 3000 Fuller Rd. Ann Arbor 48105.You can also view contest entry rules and a list of prizes.

Visit for complete details, including sign locations in the parks, prizes, a list of in-person special events in May including guided walks along the river and volunteer opportunities (COVID-19 guidelines will be in place including mask requirements and physical distancing).

The Huron River Day celebration is sponsored by DTE Energy Foundation. Additional support this year has been provided by Washtenaw County Water Resources Commissioner, Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation, the City of Ann Arbor, the Huron-Clinton Metroparks, the Huron River Watershed Council and the City of Ypsilanti.

Huron River Day ​​​History

Forty years ago, the Huron River Day celebration began as a way to encourage partnerships among government, private and non-profit organizations and to educate citizens about the importance of water quality and Huron River preservation.