Group names Ann Arbor campus a Silver-level Bicycle Friendly University

From The University Record

The League of American Bicyclists, the oldest and only grassroots advocacy organization for people who bike, has honored University of Michigan – Ann Arbor with a Silver-level Bicycle Friendly University award in recognition of the institution’s achievements in promoting and enabling safe, accessible bicycling on campus.

“Congratulations are in order for University of Michigan – Ann Arbor on its inclusion in an elite class of 48 new and renewing Bicycle Friendly Universities nationwide,” said Bill Nesper, executive director of the League. “Just as applying to a college or university requires self-reflection, self-evaluation, and meeting rigorous standards, so too does applying for and attaining Bicycle Friendly University status. By meeting one of the four award levels, universities and colleges demonstrate a commitment to not only fostering academic achievements, but also to developing model environments where people can safely bike and contribute to healthier, more sustainable outcomes.”

The Bicycle Friendly University program now includes 208 colleges and universities and is part of the League’s Bicycle Friendly America program, which also awards communities and businesses as part of its mission to create a Bicycle Friendly America for everyone.   

“More than 4 million students now attend Bicycle Friendly Universities in 47 states and Washington, DC,” said the League’s Bicycle Friendly America Director, Amelia Neptune. “There is an increasing diversity of colleges and universities committed to creating campuses, from large to small, urban to rural, that enable and encourage people to use bicycles.”

 The University of Michigan – Ann Arbor encourages bicycling as an easy option for transportation and provides amenities such as bike parking, lockers and storage. See the bicycles pages for additional information on university bike resources.