Edmondson brothers making a big difference on the Huron boys’ basketball team

By Matthew Bartow / WLAA 

There are many reasons why the Huron boys’ basketball team is undefeated and state ranked during this final week of the regular season. Hot shooting from senior Tyson Edmondson is one of those reasons. Coming off a strong junior campaign, his three-point act has continued into this season.

“Playing like a team is what we do, like brothers,’” Edmondson said. “When it’s your time to shoot, you hit the shot.”

Speaking of brothers, Tyson isn’t the only Edmondson brother on Huron’s varsity roster this season. Sophomore Trey Edmondson has leveled up to the varsity squad, and he scored five points off the bench against Monroe last week.

Tyson said playing with his younger brother has been “cool.”

“It’s our first time [playing varsity basketball together], so it’s pretty fun,” Tyson said. “We don’t really treat it like brothers, we treat it like really good teammates. We still have that brother connection though so it’s super fun to play with him.”

Huron head coach Waleed Samaha said it’s great to have the Edmondson brothers on the team.

“Tyson’s a senior, so he’s been through all the big battles and big games. He’s calm under pressure, and nothing gets to him. He’s a quiet, yet strong leader,” Samaha said. “Trey, and some of our other young guys, have great role models to learn from. Having your big brother on the team is awesome.”

That isn’t to say the brothers always shy away from smack talk. Both brothers and Samaha agreed that “smack talking” wise, one has a leg up.

“They both have strong personalities, and Trey is a little bit more outgoing, let’s put it that way,” Samaha said.

Cover Photo: Tyson Edmondson