Capital Improvements Plan, Master Plan Update among Planning Commission agenda items

Ann Arbor city officials are happy to share that the Planning Commission Working Session will be held on Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at 7 pm and is available for live listening and call-in comments and questions (there is no video for working sessions).  Please call 877 853 5247 or 888 788 0099 (Toll Free) to listen and enter meeting ID 942 6845 9198

The Working Session agenda includes and discussion about:
  • Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) – Process overview and FY2020 changes summary
  • Master Plan Update – Transportation Plan
  • Mill Creek Rezoning presentation – 3202 Chelsea Circle

Any visual materials are available through links on the published agenda, more information and instructions below.

Planning Commission Working Sessions are meetings of the full body for presentations and discussions.  No formal votes or approvals are passed.  Instead, the Planning Commission learns and talks about the agenda items and provides direction to staff or applicants to continue work on proposed and on-going projects, initiatives, and programs.  

Working Sessions are typically held on the second Tuesday of each month and are open to the community but are not recorded or broadcast*.  Audience members are invited to address the Planning Commission for up to 3 minutes at the end of each meeting.  Questions and comments may be submitted in advance to Planning Services by email to

*This meeting is now available for live listening and public comments by calling 888-788-0099 or 877 853 5247 , and entering the Meeting ID provided above, in accordance with the current “Stay Home, Stay Safe” orders.

To find a Working Session agenda and packet materials of discussion topics, if any, can be found by following the instructions below: 
  1. Click here to access the calendar page.
  2. Select “2020” and “Planning Commission, City” from the drop-down menus at the top of the page.
  3. Click on the “Search Calendar” button.
  4. The agenda and packet materials may be found by clicking the “Meeting Details” link for the meeting date.

For more information, please contact Planning Services at (734) 794-6265 between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.