Ann Arbor Water Meter Upgrades Begin this Winter

​The City of Ann Arbor will begin installation of upgraded water meters in Ann Arbor homes and businesses beginning in January 2020. This two-year project will replace approximately 26,500 meters, which are coming to the end of their useful life, with newer equipment that uses the latest metering technology and longer battery life. Once installed, these upgraded meters will provide more accurate readings. 

To accomplish this task, the city has contracted with Utility Metering Solutions (UMS), whose professional staff will perform the upgrades. All UMS staff have undergone background checks and will carry identification and drive marked vehicles.

The project will be carried out by sectioning the city into work areas with occupants and property owners receiving detailed scheduling instructions and work details by mail. In addition to the upgrade, the city will be conducting inspections to verify drinking water service line material, to comply with Michigan’s new Lead and Copper Rule (, as well as examinations of cross-connection/backflow prevention devices that help protect drinking water. ​

Project ​​Timeline: January 2020–December 2021

Who to Look For:

  • UMS installers with IDs and identifying clothing and vehicles.
  • Letter explaining the process in detail and how to schedule the work.

What to ​Expect:

  • The city will be sectioned into several upgrade regions.
  • A survey to gather information on potential cross connections prior to installation.
  • An examination of drinking water service line material at the time of upgrade.
  • The installation and inspection process will be completed in approximately 30–60 minutes, with interruptions to water service lasting no more than 15–20 minutes.

For more information, and a video explaining the work, please visit or call 734.794.6320. (Pictured here: the new water meter.)