Ann Arbor 2020 Planned Road, Utility & Resurfacing Projects

The City of Ann Arbor is planning for a significant 2020 construction season with nearly 10 miles of resurfacing/restoration projects, some with utility improvements included, as well as 9 miles of capital preventative maintenance work. Due to Michigan’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a timetable for when these projects will begin and conclude is not yet available. All projects are listed online at
Construction work will cause road and lane closures, so travelers are advised to sign up for email or text alerts, at
2020 Resurfacing/Restoration Projects
These projects may include removal and replacement of part or all of the existing asphalt or concrete pavement; curb and gutter repairs; repair and/or replacement of drainage and other utility structures; sidewalk ramp replacement to achieve ADA compliance; new pavement markings; and restoration. Their durations range from one month to several months depending on the work activities.
Major Streets (2.929 miles)
- First Street (West Kingsley Street to West William Street)
- Barton Drive (M-14 to Pontiac Trail.) – with utility project
- Boardwalk Drive (Eisenhower Parkway to northerly cul-de-sac end)
- Geddes Avenue (Church Street to roadway spilt west of Observatory Street)
- Granger Avenue (South State Street to Packard Street)
- Plymouth Road (Murfin Avenue to Nixon Road)
- South University Avenue (South State Street to East University Avenue) – with utility project
Minor (Local) Streets (6.754 miles)
- Barrington Place (Dunmore Road/Weldon Boulevard to Runnymede Boulevard)
- Brampton Court (Covington Street to northerly cul-de-sac end)
- Dicken Drive (South Maple Road to northerly end)
- Dunmore Road (Winsted Boulevard to Sanford Place)
- Greenview Drive (South Seventh Street to Scio Church Road)
- Hanover Court (Mershon Drive to easterly cul-de-sac end)
- John Street (Fifth Avenue to South Division Street) – with utility project
- Kent Street (Dicken Drive to Waltham Drive)
- Las Vegas Drive (Coronada Street to Avondale Avenue)
- Mershon Drive (Southerly cul-de-sac end to Scio Church Road)
- Morehead Court (South Seventh Street to easterly cul-de-sac end)
- Norfolk Street (Suffolk Street to Suffolk Street)
- Runnymede Boulevard (Las Vegas Drive to northerly end)
- Suffolk Street (West Stadium Boulevard to westerly end)
- Tudor Drive (South Maple Road to Dicken Drive)
- Waltham Drive (Warwick Court to Covington Street)
- Winsted Boulevard (Southerly cul-de-sac end to Weldon Boulevard)
- Yeoman Court (Wiltshire Drive to northerly cul-de-sac end)
2020 Capital Preventative Maintenance Projects
These projects may include removing and replacing only the upper portion of the existing asphalt pavement (thin mill and fill); minor curb and gutter and drainage/utility structure repairs; sidewalk ramp replacement to achieve AD A compliance; new pavement markings; and minor restoration. They may also include surface preservation treatments like micro-surfacing and cape sealing, or crack filling and sealing. Durations are typically less than a month and may range from a day or two up to a few weeks depending on the work.
Major Streets (2.551 miles)
- East Eisenhower Parkway (Boardwalk Street to North Service Drive)
- East Madison Street (South Main Street to South Fourth Avenue)
- East Stadium Boulevard South State Street to Packard Street)
- Packard Street (East Stadium Boulevard to Harpst Street/Anderson Avenue)
- Pittsfield Boulevard (Packard Street to Washtenaw Service Drive)
Minor (Local) Streets (6.498 miles)
- Second Street (West Mosely Street to West Jefferson Street)
- AginCourt (Covington Street to westerly cul-de-sac end)
- Amesbury Drive (Churchill Drive to Delaware Drive)
- Ardmoor Avenue (Avondale Avenue to West Stadium Boulevard)
- Astor Avenue (South Industrial Hwy. to Wisteria Drive)
- Avondale Avenue (Las Vegas Drive to Westfield Avenue)
- Avondale Avenue (Maywood Ave to Greenview Dr)
- Barnard Road (Mershon Drive to Greenview Drive)
- Braeside Place (South Seventh Street to easterly cul-de-sac end)
- Carol Drive (Runnymede Boulevard to Stephen Ter/Wimpole Street)
- Chaucer Drive (Southerly cul-de-sac end to Scio Church Rd)
- Coronada Street (Alhambra Dr/Sue Pkwy to Alhambra Dr)
- Covington Street (Brampton Court to easterly cul-de-sac end)
- Dunmore Road (Waverly Road to Barrington Pl/Weldon Boulevard)
- Edgewood Place (W Hoover Avenue to N’ly End)
- Elder Boulevard (Crest Street to Eberwhite Boulevard)
- Elizabeth Street (East Kingsley Street to High Street)
- Glen Leven Road (Greenview Drive to Woodland Drive)
- Green Hills Drive (Earhart Road to Earhart Road)
- Hanover Road (Waverly Road to Mershon Drive)
- Henry Street (South State Street to White Street)
- Newbury Court (Morehead Drive to southerly cul-de-sac end)
- Normandy Road (Mershon Drive to Greenview Drive)
- Rugby Court (Wiltshire Drive to End of Cul-de-sac)
- Saxon Road (Waltham Drive to Waltham Drive)
- Scio Church Service Drive (Greenview Drive to South Seventh Street)
- South Seventh Street (Southerly cul-de-sac end to Morehead Drive/Morehead Court)
- Stephen Terrace (Runnymede Boulevard to Carol Drive/Wimpole Street)
- Sue Parkway (Runnymede Boulevard to Alhambra Drive/Coronada Street)
- Sybil Street (East Hoover Avenue to Hill Street)
- West Washington Street (South First Street to Third Street)
- Waltham Drive (Scio Church Road to Saxon Road)
- Warwick Court (Waltham Drive to southerly of cul-de-sac end)
- Waverly Road (Hanover Road to Dunmore Road)
- Welch Court (Scio Church Road to southerly cul-de-sac end)
- Westfield Avenue (Avondale Avenue to West Stadium Boulevard)
- Wimpole Street (Carol Drive/Stephen Terrace to southerly end)
- Wimpole Street (Runnymede Boulevard to Dicken School Parking Lot)
- Windsor Drive (Waltham Drive to Covington Street)
- Wisteria Drive (Woodbury Drive to Astor Avenue)
- Woodbridge Boulevard (Eberwhite Boulevard to E’ly End)
- Woodland Drive (Glen Leven Road to West Stadium Boulevard)
- Worthington Place (Lans Way to southerly cul-de-sac end)