AAPS: Slauson Middle School staff sends video greetings to students

By Jo Mathis/AAPS District News Editor

Slauson Middle School math teacher Diaine Grant was social distancing around a campfire with neighbors Greta and Hannah Niethammer last week when they decided to make a staff video to send to Slauson families.

Sisters Greta and Hannah (dinosaur) Niethammer edited the video.

“We know our students are struggling with being separated from their friends and this seemed like the best way to re-connect and get them engaged again,” she said. “Slauson staff were so excited to join in.”

Grant solicited and collected the material and the Niethammer sisters— both Slauson Golden Bear alum — would edit it. Greta teaches ELA at Slauson and Hannah is studying video production at Eastern Michigan University.

The result was a big hit.

Grant was walking her dog after the video was sent to families when a Slauson student popped out of his front door to say: “I  saw the video! It was great Ms. Grant!”

Eighth grade counselor Kevin Chung.

There are 46 staff members in the video, and work is already underway to include the remaining staff in a second video.

Reaction has been so positive, the video has been submitted to John Krasinski’s “Some Good News” channel.

“Fingers crossed,” said Grant.

Diane Grant is featured in the video at her sewing machine. She’s made 50 masks so far though she hasn’t sewn in 30 years.

Main Photo: Seventh/eighth grade social studies teacher Rusty Fuller