A2ZERO: Sustainability opportunities and updates

Did you know that the City of Ann Arbor has a goal and plan to achieve a just transition to community-wide carbon neutrality by 2030? Known as A2ZERO, this plan outlines seven key strategies and 44 actions the city can and is taking to address the climate crisis while creating jobs, protecting public health, improving quality of life, and fostering neighborhood resilience. Learn more and get involved HERE

Heat pump workshop: The City of Ann Arbor Office of Sustainability and Innovations is hosting a workshop for residents to learn more about heating and cooling their homes with an alternative to gas-burning furnaces and less efficient AC units. Come learn about the greener and more efficient option of heat pumps (air and ground source). The online event is Wednesday May 12, 7 p.m. on Zoom. Register at https://a2gov.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYscu6hqTgtGNTmiqQvhCNNOsRA8z1flN89.

Call for applicants to become A2ZERO ambassadors: Are you interested in learning about the various ways the city and its people can advance sustainability and carbon neutrality? Are you looking for tools to help operationalize that information? If yes, consider signing up become an A2ZERO ambassador. All ambassadors are committed to attending a nine-week training course, supporting the implementation of a community project that advances sustainability, and conducting at least 20 hours of additional volunteer work in support of community sustainability and carbon neutrality. Scholarships are available. Interested individuals can apply here (deadline to apply is May 21, 2021).

A2ZERO Week: June 1, 2021, marks the one-year anniversary of the adoption of A2ZERO. In honor of this, OSI is launching A2ZERO week. Running for June 1–6, this week-long event will be a series of decentralized and distributed virtual and in-person activities to help people: a) learn about sustainability activities; b) take action; and c) have fun. The full schedule is still being finalized, and details are being posted at https://www.a2gov.org/departments/sustainability/Newsletter-Events/Pages/A2ZERO-Week.aspx.

Trees of Ann Arbor Bioblitz: Join us for some resident science to help inventory our City’s trees. Interested individuals can leverage iNaturalist between April 25th and May 3rd to help us assess the types and quality of our City’s trees. Join us for a kick off event on Saturday, April 24th at 10am and learn more at www.a2gov.org/10ktrees.

Climate, Coffee and Conversation: Join OSI every second Thursday of the month at 8 a.m. for an open community chat about anything and everything A2ZERO and sustainability in Ann Arbor, in Michigan, and abroad. Zoom registration is required.

Earth Day: The 51st annual Ann Arbor Area Earth Day Festival was a virtual event this year, taking place Sunday, April 25, at 1 p.m. The 2021 theme was “restore our earth,” and is now streaming on the CTN YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYqPF1mZQwosdlBniCQw9-w.

Solarize: Are you interested in learning more about solar and/or installing solar at your home or business. Come learn more at an upcoming Ann Arbor Solarize event: https://www.a2gov.org/departments/sustainability/Sustainability-Me/Families-Individuals/Pages/Ann-Arbor-Solarize.aspx.

E-bike discount program: Ann Arbor’s e-bike discount program has returned! The city office of sustainability is working with local bike shops who are offering different discounts on electric bikes and accessories. Learn more at https://www.a2gov.org/departments/sustainability/Sustainability-Me/transportation/Pages/Electric-Vehicles.aspx.

Call for nominations for A2ZERO champions: Do you know an individual or organization that goes out of their way to advance sustainability, equity and climate action? Nominate them to be an A2ZERO champion. Nominations can be submitted here, and all nominations are due by May 20, 2021.

Sustaining Ann Arbor Together Grant: If you have a project idea that can be completed in public spaces or the public right of way and that will advance local sustainability, learn more and consider applying for a supporting grant at https://www.a2gov.org/departments/sustainability/Sustainability-Me/Families-Individuals/Pages/Community-Grants.aspx.