A2 Fitness Professionals hosting free workouts during pandemic

A2 Fitness Professionals is hosting free workouts three days a week for everyone who needs that extra get up, is missing the gym or just looking to connect with someone in a positive way.

A2 Fitness, located at 905 W. Eisenhower Circle in Ann Arbor, has been open since 2009.

“Our initial focus was the obesity epidemic and then we transitioned to working with all special population like traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, post-concussion rehab, cerebral palsy, autism, etc.,” says Ahmad Samaha, director of operations at A2 Fitness Professionals.

Samaha says they take a holistic approach to health and wellness.

“That’s why we focus on things like mental health and how that can affect your overall self,” Samaha says. “During this pandemic we tried to figure out how we can still offer our clients and really anyone that wanted to still get moving an opportunity to get a great workout from home.

“We had people all the way from California joining us through zoom and on Facebook Live. We understand mental health is as important as physical health and during times like this we wanted to be able to give people a sense of community through fitness because we’re all in this together.”

Samaha and the staff at A2 Fitness Professionals believe health and wellness “is a right for everyone.”

“We do our best to make it available for everyone to better their health no matter what,” he says. “The goal of this program is to get someone sitting at home and not doing anything or feeling lonely and wants to interact with other people in a positive way.”



For more on A2 Fitness Professionals CLICK HERE