Museum on Main Street’s “Connecting Communities” exhibit runs through Feb. 23

Have you ever been close enough to a 4-way stoplight and realized the lights are as big as your head? Or do you know how large and heavy the tools of the trade are? Find out when you visit the current exhibit at the Museum on Main Street.

“Connecting Communities: Roads-Bridges-People”, celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Washtenaw County Road Commission.

We have working traffic signals, a Surveyor’s Transit, a Polar Planimeter and a “Go-No Go Gauge” on display. See if you can figure out how they work. Visitors will see a two-man gas-powered chain saw that is 6 feet long, manual chainsaws, bolt cutters that are 3 feet long and heavy iron road-weary chains strong enough to pull a road grader out of the mud.Wonder how the road was leveled back in the day?

We have one on Main Street, see if you can find the bubble. And while you are looking for the bubble, enjoy all of the photographs, stories, maps, objects and artifacts that tell the story of 100 years of road and bridge building and the people who make it all happen. In the third room you are invited to have a seat at the table and spend some time looking through plat maps, photographs or the 1923 traffic census of Washtenaw County.

The Museum is open on Saturday and Sunday from noon to 4 p.m. and weekdays by appointment. This is a family-friendly exhibit and a perfect group outing. Call 734-662-9092 or email wchs-1000 to arrange your visit. Admission to the museum is free.

The museum is located at 500 N Main Srret, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103.