NAP: Join Natural Area Preservation for Workdays and Events in June

​City of Ann Arbor Natural Area Preservation (NAP) works to protect and restore Ann Arbor’s natural areas and to foster an environmental ethic among its citizens. This involves conducting plant and animal inventories, ecological monitoring, and stewardship projects in Ann Arbor’s parks. These tasks are performed by both staff and volunteers. For more information about NAP, visit

Below are the events currently planned for June 2021. Natural Area Preservation is continuing to closely monitor recommendations from city and other health officials. As a result, the events listed are subject to change in order keep our volunteers and the public safe. Should it be prudent to make changes to our event schedule, we will update our website and notify anyone that registered for events. Please visit for the most up-to-date information.

Volunteer Stewardship Workdays at NAP have changed in response to COVID-19. To attend a workday, participants must preregister using VolunteerHub at, and wear a mask over their mouth and nose while maintaining a 6-foot distance from others outside of their household at all times during the event. Participants must register for each event by noon on the Friday prior to the weekend which it occurs. Links to each event in VolunteerHub are provided with each event listing. Participants should wear long pants, closed-toed shoes and leather work gloves. All minors should be accompanied by a guardian. Events are free, unless noted otherwise. Tools and know-how are provided.​

Stewardship Wo​​rkday

Saturday, June 5, 9 a.m.– noon

World Environment Day and National Trails Day

Bird Hills Nature Area

Celebrating National Trails Day with a public workday at Bird Hills Nature Area has almost become a NAP tradition! Bird Hills is site of NAP’s first-ever public workday in 1994, and is ranked second highest overall in the city’s Floristic Quality Assessment, indicating its rich diversity of native plant species. The community is invited to keep the stewardship tradition going and help improve the trails with NAP for National Trails Day. Preregistration through VolunteerHub is required as space is limited. Participants must wear a mask and maintain a 6-ft distance from others at all times. Meeting location will be provided at registration. Register at​

Ste​wardship Workday

Sunday, June 6, 9 a.m.– noon

National Trails Day

Ruthven Nature Area

Do you know what a kame is? How about a kettle? At Ruthven Nature Area, you can see for yourself these land formations caused by receding glaciers — and the diverse ecosystems they support. Celebrate National Trails Day with NAP and work to improve the trails and remove invasive plants throughout Ruthven, allowing park visitors to view the glacial terrain for years to come. Preregistration through VolunteerHub is required as space is limited. Meeting location will be provided at registration. Register at​

St​ewards’ Circle

Tuesday, June 8, 7:30–8:30 a.m.

Zoom Meeting

Are you interested in learning more about how to care for our natural areas? Then join the Stewardship Network’s Huron Arbor Cluster for an informal discussion on a monthly topic with volunteer and professional land stewards, plus others interested in nature. Free! For more information, visit

To join the Zoom meeting, use this link:

Meeting ID: 921 6530 3767

Passcode: 155270

OR call:

+1 213 338 8477 US (Los Angeles)

+1 206 337 9723 US (Seattle)

888 788 0099 US Toll-free

877 853 5247 US Toll-free

Meeting ID: 921 6530 3767

Find your local number:

This month’s top​​ic: Rain Garden Q&A.

Thinking of building a rain garden this year? Get your questions answered from local rain garden doyen Susan Bryan. She has taught the Master Rain Gardener class for 10 years and has seen it all! Learn how to avoid pitfalls (ha ha! rain garden humor!). Bring your photos to address specific options about your yard.​

Stewa​rdship Workday

Saturday, June 12, 9 a.m.– noon

Dolph Nature Area

If you’re not a birder, you might not know there are two natural lakes in one park on the west side of Ann Arbor. First and Second Sister Lakes are popular among birders due to the more than 140 bird species that can be found there throughout the year. Join NAP to improve this habitat that serves quite a wide variety of needs. Preregistration through VolunteerHub is required as space is limited.  Meeting location will be provided at registration. Register at​

Stewardsh​ip Workday

Saturday, June 12, 1–4 p.m.

Lakewood Nature Area

Although Lakewood Nature Area is somewhat small, it is connected to several other parks through which park visitors can continue their hikes. The hills are blanketed by oak-hickory woodlands, with a rich understory of wildflowers. Join NAP staff and other volunteers to remove invasive plants to protect this well-loved park! Preregistration through VolunteerHub is required as space is limited. Meeting location will be provided at registration. Register at​

Stew​​​ardship Workday

Sunday, June 13, 1–4 p.m.

Barton Nature Area

Barton Nature Area contains one of nature’s own water-management solutions: oxbow wetlands. The Huron River Watershed benefits greatly from the filtration, and flood mitigation, provided by the oxbow at Barton — and its habitat for a variety of wildlife, to boot. Help NAP maintain and protect this unique location by removing non-native plants in and around the wetlands. Preregistration through VolunteerHub is required as space is limited. Meeting location will be provided at registration. Register at

Stewardship Workday

Saturday, June 19, 9 a.m.– noon

Huron Hills Golf Course Woods

This natural area is a hidden gem framing the west side of Huron Hills Golf Course. Join NAP to hand pull invasive plants in the shade of oaks, maples and sassafras. You might also catch a glimpse of a fox, coyote, or wild turkey who call this nature area home. Preregistration through VolunteerHub is required as space is limited. Meeting location will be provided at registration. Register at​

Stewards​hip Workday

Sunday, June 27, 1–4 p.m.

Bluffs Nature Area

Are you looking for a chance to make an impact at a neighborhood park? Over the years, Bluffs Nature Area has accumulated a bounty of large, heavy pieces of trash like snow mobiles and jacks. NAP needs help to remove this large equipment from the park and keep our natural areas clean. If you’re up for the challenge, join in to haul these objects out of the park. This will be NAP’s most physically demanding workday of the year. Preregistration through VolunteerHub is required as space is limited. Please wear extra heavy work pants, a thick shirt, close-toed shoes and very sturdy leather gloves. All minors should be accompanied by a guardian, but this would not be a good event to bring children. Tools and know-how provided. Meeting location will be provided at registration. Register at