Ann Arbor Public Schools Approve In-Person Hybrid Plan

From Jeanice K. Swift, Superintendent of Schools

We have come a long way in this COVID global pandemic. As we approach the one-year anniversary of this public health crisis, we all understand the significant need to have our students and staff return to in-school learning.

We have a commitment and responsibility to maintain the priority of health and safety for our students, staff and community as we continue to monitor this ongoing situation. As we make this next step transition to add an in-school hybrid learning option, this commitment will not change.

Summary Statement (Full Statement and video of recommendation and Board of Education Discussion available here):

This message contains an announcement of the beginning of the transition to offering the in-school hybrid learning option this spring, beginning with the youngest students and those with the most significant specialized needs (self-contained classrooms) on March 25th.

We shared information yesterday regarding recent developments with prioritized vaccines for school personnel as well as an in-school rapid antigen testing program available for staff and students.

Spring 2021 – A hybrid, in-school learning option

Stage 1: March 25th and 26th –  

  • PK, Y5, and Kinder students who choose a hybrid, in-school learning model,
  • Students with high-level specialized learning needs (self-contained classrooms) at all levels, and
  • Phasing in some small groups of middle and high school students most in need of in-school learning support may also begin at this time.

Stage 2: April 5th 

  • 1st and 2nd grade who choose a hybrid, in-school learning model,

Stage 3: April 12th 

  • Grades 3rd through 5th who choose a hybrid, in-school learning model.

Stage 4: begin phased return week of April 12th 

(please note this is also a spring PSAT/SAT assessment week)

  • Phased return of grades 6-12 students

The addition of the in-school hybrid option on this calendar provides for a full quarter of the year with the opportunity for every AAPS student and family who chooses to participate in in-school hybrid learning.

This spring hybrid experience will set a strong foundation, as we move past this COVID year, for the summer ahead and for Fall 2021.

Elementary school parent meetings will be conducted over the coming days and two surveys will be shared, one to register your child for your preferred program – continued virtual or the in-school hybrid option, and also a follow-up inquiry for those eligible and interested in transportation.

More specific information will be shared regarding the phased transition for grade 6-12 students beginning in March.

As parents and staff, community and leaders, it is time for us to come together and invest our full energies into a shared commitment to our children. Together, let us point our North Star to our children. Our coming together will enable restoration, renewal, and healing for our children and staff, families and our beloved Ann Arbor community.

I am committed to working with all to reestablish that trust and confidence in each other, and in our schools, and ask all in our community to join together in this effort for the sake of our children. These Ann Arbor Public Schools are our community schools, and these are our children. Let us move forward together.