What’s Happening: Get out and about in the Ann Arbor parks this weekend

Ann Arbor Farmers Market
The Ann Arbor Farmers Market is open for onsite sales Saturday, Jan. 9, 8 a.m.-3 p.m., 315 Detroit St. Vendors will have apples, apple cider, winter squash, carrots, radishes, cabbage, brussels sprouts, turnips, greens, lettuce, onions, garlic, herbs, microgreens, meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, bread, honey, baked goods, coffee, olive oil, pasties, jam, Polish food, Mediterranean food, candles, jewelry, body care products and more! Preordering from select vendors continues with curbside or walk-in pick-up 8 a.m.-noon. For preorders, contact the vendor directly from our directory. We are accepting cash, and tokens for credit cards and SNAP/EBT/P-EBT are available at our market office window. While shopping and picking up preorders, please follow all physical distancing and safety guidelines posted and communicated by market staff. All vendors, market staff and customers are required to wear masks. You’ll find additional information on our website.

Don’t miss live trivia
Join the Ann Arbor Senior Center staff on the first and third Tuesday of each month for live trivia via Zoom, Jan. 19, 1-2 p.m. Trivia takes place on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Each game will have questions based on weekly themes. Invite your friends, grandchildren and neighbors to login and play with you, or be placed on a team with others. We will keep a tally of winners, and at the end, prizes will be awarded that you can drive by and pick up. Please contact Jasmine Patterson at jpatte37@emich.edu to participate in the drawings! Zoom meeting ID: 979 1239 9740. Passcode: 194912.

Free Lunch Break Club
The Ann Arbor Senior Center is proud to introduce the live Lunch Break Club via Zoom hosted every Thursday beginning Jan. 7, noon-1 p.m. Join us to take a break, talk about a weekly topic and feast over our own homemade lunch plates. Guests are invited to share their own stories, ask questions or simply just sit back and listen. Weekly topics include:

Jan. 14 – Welcome to my kitchen.
Jan. 21 – Best vacation experience.
Jan. 28 – Let’s doodle together.

Check out the website and Facebook page for updates and future weekly themes. Join the Zoom meeting https://a2gov.zoom.us/j/91519648869?pwd=clNTYkgyK1JwN1BNUHYxMHNrVStjUT09

Meeting ID: 915 1964 8869. Passcode: 463533.

Stewards’ Circle: Shoreline management
The Stewardship Network’s Huron Arbor Cluster welcomes Shawn Duke, senior staff ecologist at Cardno, for its monthly discussion Tuesday, Jan. 12, via Zoom, 7:30-8:30 a.m. This month will explore the benefits of naturalizing our shorelines through practices that encourage native vegetation to establish and how to achieve objectives through sound design and construction practices. For more information, go online. Join the virtual discussion via Zoom.

Stewardship Workday – Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service
Turn your “day off” into a “day on” by joining us Monday, Jan. 18, at Buttonbush Nature Area, 1-3 p.m., to remove invasive shrubs. Although this park has never been developed, disturbances along the edge of the property threaten the health of the ecosystem here. Many hands make light work, and we encourage you to use yours to help protect and restore this local gem. Preregistration is required here. Participants must wear a mask and maintain at least 6 feet of physical distance from others at all times. Please wear long pants, closed-toed shoes and leather work gloves. All minors should be accompanied by a guardian. Tools and know-how provided. Meeting location will be provided after registration.

Scheduling events in 2021
As you may know, Ann Arbor Parks & Recreation has not yet resumed scheduling rentals and special events due to COVID-19. Annually, we begin scheduling for the coming year on the first Monday in January. This year, we hope to resume park rentals and special event bookings beginning the first week of February 2021. Please note this is only a temporary date that we are currently targeting. We will continue to follow the guidelines from the Washtenaw County Health Department and Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s office with regard to capacity guidelines and physical distancing recommendations. We will continue to update social media and the city’s website when we have a confirmed date. Thank you for understanding.

Summer camp update
City of Ann Arbor Parks & Recreation Services are tentatively planning to host some camps this summer. Camp registration dates and details to be released soon. Stay tuned for future updates.