Profile: Skyline’s Lauren MacNeil ‘quietly getting things done’

Lauren MacNeil is only a sophomore, but what’s the expression about being wise beyond your years – that fits this young and talented swimmer like a fish to water.

She has a simple, but refreshing approach to life.

“I would say that I’m a kind and a very easy going person,” she says. “I’m an easy to be friends with type of person.”

You know the type. Easy going. Honest. Caring. No drama. Thoughtful.

Skyline Coach Maureen Murrett describes her this way: “She is a kid that quietly gets things done,” Murrett says. “She is totally coachable. I can’t remember a time I have ever heard her complain about anything, a workout, about a lineup, about a teammate … nothing.”

MacNeil gives credit to Murrett for helping make her a better swimmer, more organized and even punctual (insert smiley face).

“My coach has taught me so many things during these past two years,” she says. “One thing that I will never forget is that if you are not 15 minutes early you are late. She has taught me how to manage time, such as when in person school was a thing I would have to plan what city bus I wanted to take that would get me to practice on time or as close to on time as possible.

“She has also taught me how to balance school and sports. She makes sure to show that school and your grades are very important and if you aren’t trying in school that it will affect your life outside of school.”

Photos by Gary Guevara

McNeil, whose brother Shane was a standout swimmer for Murrett on the Skyline boys’ team, is also special in the water. She has been swimming a lot of freestyle events for the Eagles, going 58 seconds in the 100 free, 2:08 in the 200 free and 27.0 in the 50 free.

And she clearly enjoys being a part of the prestigious Skyline swim program.

“My team is a group of very smart and powerful young women,” she says. “As a team we lift each other up and we get each other very excited before every meet. As soon as you walk through the Skyline pool doors there is this sudden break to just think about swimming and nothing else. The whole team gets along with each other. The captains and coaches show that it is very important for everyone to feel included and that nobody should be left out.”

MacNeil started swimming at a young age at Georgetown Country Club. “I liked the sport because I made new friends and had fun doing it,” she says.

Lauren, the daughter of Emily and Mike MacNeil, attends Community HS. She has a 3.833 GPA and also plays water polo for the Eagles.

“School has been going well so far,” she says. “I find online school more difficult than in-person school because you have to be paying attention at all times to every little detail that the teacher says. It is definitely very different especially since going to school at Community is such an in-person experience and doing school online is not nearly as fun as in person.”

MacNeil isn’t sure about college yet – but still has a few years to figure that all out.

“I have a couple of colleges that I am interested in which include University of Michigan, Eastern Michigan University, and Michigan State University,” says MacNeil, who also swims for the Dexter Community Aquatic Club.

For now, she’s content on studying, swimming and being a good teammate and person. “My personal goals this year were to drop time in all of my events which I did end up doing so I would say that my season has gone very well this year,” she says.