NAP: December Events with Natural Area Preservation

November 2, 2020 – City of Ann Arbor Natural Area Preservation (NAP) works to protect and restore Ann Arbor’s natural areas and to foster an environmental ethic among its community. This involves conducting plant and animal inventories, ecological monitoring and stewardship projects in Ann Arbor’s parks. NAP is releasing its schedule for December. These tasks are performed by both staff and volunteers. For more information about NAP, visit

The City of Ann Arbor and NAP will be monitoring the COVID-19 situation closely and will be following both the governor’s orders and recommendations from the Washtenaw County Health Department. As a result, the events scheduled are subject to change in order keep volunteers and the public safe. Should it be prudent to make changes to the event schedule, NAP will provide updates via website at and notify anyone who registered for events.

To attend a volunteer workday, participants must preregister using Rec-1at by noon on the Friday prior to the weekend which it occurs, and wear a mask while maintaining a 6-foot distance from others at all times during the event. Participants should also wear long pants, closed-toed shoes, and leather work gloves. All minors should be accompanied by a guardian. Tools and know-how provided. Links to each event in Rec-1 are provided with each event listing. Meeting location will be provided after registration.   ​

Stewardship Workd​ay

World Soil Day

Saturday, Dec. 5, 1–4 p.m.

Furstenberg Nature Area

World Soil Day celebrates one of our most important resources to protect: soil! A wonderful place to experience the soothing hum of the Huron River and a refreshing walk to boot, Furstenberg is a park that has it all. Help NAP remove invasive shrubs from the sedge meadow to keep the riverside breeze flowing freely! Preregistration through Rec-1 at is required as space is limited. Meeting location will be provided after registration.

Ste​​​​​wardship Workday

Sunday, Dec. 6

Oakwoods Nature Area

1–4 p.m.

Check out the newest addition to Oakwoods! This aptly named woodland needs help to remove unchecked invasive shrubs and stop them from taking over. Preregistration through Rec-1 at is required as space is limited. Meeting location will be provided after registration. ​

Stewards’ Circ​​le

Tuesday, Dec. 8

Virtual, on Zoom

7:30–8:30 a.m.

Are you interested in learning more about how to care for our natural areas? Then join the Stewardship Network’s Huron Arbor Cluster for an informal discussion on a monthly topic with volunteer and professional land stewards, plus others interested in nature. Free! For more information go to and find the link to the Zoom meeting on our calendar of events here: This month’s topic: The concepts behind the local organization Adapt: Community Supported Ecology.

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​Contact Information

Natural Area Preservation

Ann Arbor has 119,000 residents, spans 28.9 square miles and is frequently recognized as a foremost place to live, learn, work, thrive and visit. To keep up with City of Ann Arbor information, subscribe for email updates, follow us on Twitter or become a city fan on Facebook. The city’s mission is to deliver exceptional services that sustain and enhance a vibrant, safe and diverse community.
