Washtenaw County: Dexter Pharmacy announces they have closed their doors, will open Sept. 3 for liquidation

The Dexter community is loosing a longtime friend, partner and symbol of better and simpler days – Dexter Pharmacy is closing.

This note below was on the door and on their web site this morning:

We closed the doors on the pharmacy for the last time last night. The Dexter Pharmacy family is hurting and would appreciate your compassion and understanding. I fully understand that this will hurt some in the community as well (we have many loyal, caring customers who seem to really enjoy the store) and that everyone is greatly inconvenienced by the store closing and I am sorry. I did the best I could to make the best decisions in a really crappy situation.

This solution ensured that your pharmacy records have a place to land (so that you don’t have to call or worse, go back to, your doctor or doctors to get all new prescriptions) and it ensured that employees have a shot at a smooth transition to a new job with their tenure with us in place. It’s not ideal, and there is nothing enjoyable about it, but it is the best I could do.

Our plan is to take the next week to regroup and prep the front of the store for liquidation. We expect to open on Tuesday, September 3 – but haven’t set the time yet.

If you would like to share your positive memories here, we would all really appreciate that. Please, however, keep your judgement and negative thoughts to your personal page. This is a family that is hurting – if you could have attended the employee meeting and listened to the stories and seen the faces, you would see just how difficult this is for the 40+ of us directly affected by the store closing.

Please be kind to each other and to the people who used to work here, they are members of this community and deserve your compassion. This is a family that is hurting – if you could have attended the employee meeting and listened to the stories and seen the faces, you would see just how difficult this is for the 40+ of us directly affected by the store closing.

We appreciate your understanding and compassion and I am, personally, sorry for the loss, the jarring surprise, and the inconvenience to the community.

Marni Schmid